velocity of light

英 [vəˈlɒsəti ɒv laɪt] 美 [vəˈlɑːsəti əv laɪt]

网络  光速; 光的速度



  1. The velocity of light is about 300000 kilometres per second.
  2. The velocity of light is the ultimate speed limit, being part of the very structure of space and time.
  3. Every technical device is always developed to its limit and the ultimate speed for spaceships is the velocity of light.
  4. Diameter of root circular-arc juncture circle the velocity of light is a constant.
  5. The atomic particles resist being accelerated past the velocity of light.
  6. The so-called velocity of light invariable is the light fluctuation speed is invariable.
  7. Students: The length of the curve making a circle is called the perimeter. the velocity of light is a constant.
  8. Discussion on the Photocurrent Representation of Photodetector in the Experiment of Measuring the Velocity of Light with Light Beating
  9. According to phenomena observed during total solar eclipse, it can be pointed out that the velocity of gravitational field wave is equal to the velocity of light in vacuo.
  10. CD memory technique is the developing direction of hardware memory one, while network memory technique is a method to solve the limit of velocity of light.
  11. The velocity of light is as great as that of radio waves in vacuum.
  12. The velocity of light is too great to be measured in simple units.
  13. Einstein's theory links energy with mass and velocity of light.
  14. The students were asked to calculate the velocity of light.
  15. In recent years, researches about the controllable group velocity of light propagation had made many progresses.
  16. Electromagnetically Induced Grating and Control of Group Velocity of Light Pulses Based on Atomic Coherence Effects
  17. The ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to that in a medium.
  18. An Attempt to Avoid the Postulate of Constancy of the Velocity of Light
  19. Experimental Study on Measurement of Velocity of Light by the Fiber Delay Time
  20. We have observed the reduction of group velocity of light via electromagnetically induced transparency ( EIT) and measured the dependence of pulse delay on the one-photon detuning in a three-level Λ-type atomic system.
  21. In the same pyrolysis condition, the pyrolysis velocity of light hydrocarbon obviously decreases with the increase of carbonized degree and increases with the decrease of coal particle size.
  22. The method of velocity of light measuring with the CG-ⅲ of light velocity apparatus is improved, the measuring accuracy is increased significantly.
  23. The phase velocity of the plasma wave approaches the velocity of light due to the action of the longitudinal electric field.
  24. This paper presents the experiment and design thinking for measuring velocity of light by using a copper bromide laser.
  25. When the tangential and radial velocity of light source both does not equal 0, the light-wavelength is changeless under certain condition.
  26. When the moving speed of the electric charge is far slower than velocity of light, an arbitrary point in space, whose density vector's quantity of translocated current is related to the place vector, and its direction is not parallel with the direction of electric field;
  27. By using a fiber to delay the pulse light of CuBr laser, velocity of light can be obtained with geometry length of fiber and time interval between two light pulses.
  28. Velocity of Light in Dispersive Medium
  29. This conclusion provides theoretical and experimental references for controlling the group velocity of light by means of one-photon detuning.
  30. This thesis introduces a much simpler structure, single line defect photonic crystal waveguide. By this structure, we reduce internal reflection loss effectively, and debase the group velocity of light transmission. Furthermore, we sum up theoretical analysis methods of photonic crystal.